Organize & Declutter
Clutter, Clutter, & more Clutter!
Do you waste too much time looking for things, and buy things you already own?
When you walk through your home, are there areas that cause you a lot of stress?
Are you overwhelmed by clutter and you don’t know where to start?
File the Pile can help!
File the Pile will sort, declutter, and organize the area(s) of your home that cause you the most stress using a customized process and individualized product solutions to match your personal preferences.
Here’s how File the Pile will lead you to becoming organized:
We’ll utilize an efficient sorting process to quickly group similar items together.
We’ll help you decide what items to sell, gift, donate, or discard.
We’ll help you determine the optimal and most practical location for each item.
The newly established organizational system will effectively address the clutter in your home and keep you organized on an ongoing basis.
Clear the Clutter, Clear Your Mind!
Examples of Areas We Can Organize & Inventory:
Kitchens & Kitchen Pantries
Office, Desk, or Work areas
Photos & Memorabilia
Financial Records
Health Records
Household Furnishings